Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas after Christmas

Well, we now have cold drinks and are able to keep cold food. It was Christmas for us on Saturday as we got our new refrigerator. Yeah!!!!

Then, we moved the old refrigerator into one of the bedrooms until we could see how much it will cost to fix. The next day, Ray went into the bedroom and plugged the old refrigerator in and it worked. Now, it had been plugged in for the week that it was not working so we think when they moved it, they jiggled something and it started working. So Ray, Evance and Ben moved it to Evance's quarters behind our house and it didn't work again. Bummer. They waited a while longer and it started working. Guess it will need to remain in Evance's room forever or until we get someone to come over the take a look at it.

Anyway, we are now enjoying cold drinks in the 80+ degree temperatures again.

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This blog was created by Frank Barrett for Ray & Alice Smith.